• Protein suppresses prostate cancer growth in lab tests

    Updated: 2011-01-31 17:58:00
    UK scientists have shown that a natural protein that occurs inside cells can suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells in the laboratory.

  • Jan 31, rectal cancer

    Updated: 2011-01-31 14:19:17
    What surgery is performed for rectal cancer

  • Vitamin D deficiency adversely affects lung function, finds study

    Updated: 2011-01-30 15:38:48
    The present study, conducted by a panel of researchers from the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research in Subiaco and University of Western Australia's Centre for Child Health Research, was aimed at finding the link between lack of Vitamin D and lungs. "The results of this study clearly demonstrate that vitamin D deficiency alters lung growth, resulting in lower lung volume and decrements in lung function," said Graeme Zosky, a research fellow at the Telethon Institute and the lead investigator. read more

  • 100 years of radiotherapy but public still in the dark over the treatment

    Updated: 2011-01-28 00:01:00
    Fewer than one in ten people think radiotherapy is a modern cancer treatment according to the results of a survey published today (Friday).

  • Health Care Reform Interview Get Answers to Your Questions on AOL Health

    Updated: 2011-01-27 17:14:17
    : Skip to Content AOL.com MAIL AOL Health Main Diseases Conditions ADHD Men's Sexual Health Allergies Obesity Alzheimer's Plastic Surgery Breast Cancer Skin Conditions Cancer Sleep Disorders Cold and Flu Smoking Cessation Diabetes Stroke Depression Stomach Pain Erectile Dysfunction Women's Sexual Health Heart Disease See All Conditions Family Health Caregiver Support Senior's Health Children's Health Teen Health Men's Health Women's Health Healthy Living Anti Aging Healthy Eating Beauty Skincare Memory Better Body Better Living Relationships Dental Health Sleep Health Happiness Stress Diet Fitness America Takes it Off Experts Celebrity Fitness Diet Success Motivation Experts Tools Symptom Checker Compare Medicare Plans Veggie Fruit Tracker Drug Interaction Checker Doctor Search Treatment

  • NICE issues new guidance on preventing skin cancer

    Updated: 2011-01-27 16:49:00
    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has published new guidelines to help the NHS, local authorities and other organisations in their work to prevent skin cancer.

  • Jan 26, foods to stop colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-01-26 13:15:19
    what are some anti foods for colon cancer

  • Jan 26, medications not to be taken before colonoscopy

    Updated: 2011-01-26 13:14:52
    I am on many medications for Heart Failure. Ramipril, Carvediol, Aspirin, spirolactone, I also have cancer and take Arimidex. I also have restless legs

  • Faulty gene involved in cancer spread

    Updated: 2011-01-26 11:50:00
    Scientists at the University of East Anglia have identified a rogue gene that appears to hamper the body's efforts to prevent the spread of cancer.

  • Denmark has 'world's highest cancer rates'

    Updated: 2011-01-25 11:26:00
    Denmark has the highest cancer rates in the world, with about 326 people out of every 100,000 developing cancer each year, an analysis of World Health Organisation (WHO) statistics suggests.

  • Anti-estrogens linked to fewer lung cancer deaths

    Updated: 2011-01-24 20:37:40
    (Reuters Health) – Anti-estrogen drugs such as tamoxifen may reduce a woman’s risk of dying from lung cancer, suggests a new study. The analysis included a very small number of women with lung cancer, however, and the findings do not mean that women should take these drugs to prevent or treat lung cancer, doctors say. [...]

  • Health Care Debate Get Answers to Your Questions on AOL Health

    Updated: 2011-01-24 19:47:50
    : Skip to Content AOL.com MAIL AOL Health Main Diseases Conditions ADHD Men's Sexual Health Allergies Obesity Alzheimer's Plastic Surgery Breast Cancer Skin Conditions Cancer Sleep Disorders Cold and Flu Smoking Cessation Diabetes Stroke Depression Stomach Pain Erectile Dysfunction Women's Sexual Health Heart Disease See All Conditions Family Health Caregiver Support Senior's Health Children's Health Teen Health Men's Health Women's Health Healthy Living Anti Aging Healthy Eating Beauty Skincare Memory Better Body Better Living Relationships Dental Health Sleep Health Happiness Stress Diet Fitness America Takes it Off Experts Celebrity Fitness Diet Success Motivation Experts Tools Symptom Checker Compare Medicare Plans Veggie Fruit Tracker Drug Interaction Checker Doctor Search Treatment

  • Anxiety Disorder AOL Health

    Updated: 2011-01-24 19:47:50
    AOL MAIL Complete our survey for a chance at 1,000 AOL Health Main Diseases Conditions ADHD Mens Sexual Health Allergies Obesity Alzheimer's Plastic Surgery Breast Cancer Skin Conditions Cancer Sleep Disorders Cold and Flu Smoking Cessation Diabetes Stroke Depression Stomach Pain Erectile Dysfunction Women's Sexual Health Heart Disease See All Conditions Family Health Caregiver Support Senior's Health Children's Health Teen Health Men's Health Women's Health Healthy Living Anti Aging Healthy Eating Beauty Skincare Memory Better Body Better Living Relationships Dental Health Sleep Health Happiness Stress Diet Fitness America Takes it Off Experts Celebrity Fitness Diet Success Motivation Experts Tools Symptom Checker Compare Medicare Plans Veggie Fruit Tracker Drug Interaction Checker Doctor

  • Jan 21, No pressure in colon

    Updated: 2011-01-21 14:27:23
    No pressure in colon after 4 inch of colon removed on Nov 11 2010

  • Jan 21, Reduced Colonoscopy Costs

    Updated: 2011-01-21 14:26:59
    I am due for my 3rd colonoscopy (61 years old, mother and grandfather died of colon cancer). I no longer have insurance, was laid off, struggling financially.

  • Jan 21, colon adenocarcinoma

    Updated: 2011-01-21 14:23:43
    Dear sir/madam My farther age 63 , recently dignoised and operated T3N1MX TRANVERSE COLON ADENOCARCINOMA. Now he is fine and normal taking food.my

  • Experimental melanoma drug shows promise in phase-III trial

    Updated: 2011-01-20 16:06:00
    Early results from a phase-III clinical trial of a new drug for advanced melanoma skin cancer indicate that it may help to improve survival.

  • Study identifies common gene fault in kidney cancer

    Updated: 2011-01-20 16:00:00
    A new study, part-funded by Cancer Research UK, has identified a gene that is faulty in one-third of patients with the most common form of kidney cancer - clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC).

  • New cancer research centre launched in Glasgow

    Updated: 2011-01-20 00:01:00
    Cancer Research UK today (Thursday) launches a new Centre which will accelerate the pace of research in Glasgow and see the city become a world leader in the development of new treatments tailored for individual cancer patients.

  • Smoking could 'damage body within minutes'

    Updated: 2011-01-19 14:28:00
    Cigarette smoke causes levels of cancer-causing chemicals to build up in the bloodstream within minutes of inhaling, US scientists have found.

  • Smoking 'to blame for majority of gender gap in deaths'

    Updated: 2011-01-19 10:52:00
    Smoking accounts for up to 60 per cent of the gender gap in death rates across Europe, according to a new study by scientists at the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit in Glasgow.

  • New campaign focuses on benefits of bowel screening

    Updated: 2011-01-19 00:24:00
    A new campaign aims to save lives by encouraging people to take part in the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme.

  • 'Patchwork' of gene faults could help predict cervical cancer drug success

    Updated: 2011-01-19 00:01:00
    Cancer Research UK scientists have discovered that cervical cancer patients who have a mixture of different genetic faults in their tumour at the start of treatment may be more likely to relapse, according to a study published in the British Journal of Cancer today (Wednesday).

  • Cancer Research UK's Tim Hunt appointed to European research body

    Updated: 2011-01-18 17:26:00
    Sir Tim Hunt has been appointed to the Scientific Council, the governing body of the European Research Council (ERC).

  • Erectile Dysfunction AOL Health

    Updated: 2011-01-14 19:58:21
    AOL MAIL Complete our survey for a chance at 1,000 AOL Health Main Diseases Conditions ADHD Mens Sexual Health Allergies Obesity Alzheimer's Plastic Surgery Breast Cancer Skin Conditions Cancer Sleep Disorders Cold and Flu Smoking Cessation Diabetes Stroke Depression Stomach Pain Erectile Dysfunction Women's Sexual Health Heart Disease See All Conditions Family Health Caregiver Support Senior's Health Children's Health Teen Health Men's Health Women's Health Healthy Living Anti Aging Healthy Eating Beauty Skincare Memory Better Body Better Living Relationships Dental Health Sleep Health Happiness Stress Diet Fitness America Takes it Off Experts Celebrity Fitness Diet Success Motivation Experts Tools BMI Calculator Symptom Checker Compare Medicare Plans Veggie Fruit Tracker Drug Interaction

  • New Cancer Treatment Techniques Offer Hope to Patients Fighting Deadly Tumors

    Updated: 2011-01-14 19:20:39
    The Integrative Cancer Therapies Fellowship with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M; www.worldhealth.net) announces that Dr. Mark Rosenberg, Medical Director of the Institute for Healthy Aging and Director of the Integrative Cancer Therapies Fellowship, will present preliminary findings of a novel technique for treating advanced-stage cancer. Dr. Rosenberg will be sharing his findings at [...]

  • Cancer Research UK and Cancer Research Technology establish team of stem cell experts to beat cancer

    Updated: 2011-01-14 11:31:00
    Cancer Research UK and its commercial arm Cancer Research Technology (CRT), have established a team of scientists with expertise in cancer stem cell research to identify new targets to detect, monitor and treat cancer.

  • Cancer Research UK and AstraZeneca collaborate to trial combinations of new cancer drugs

    Updated: 2011-01-13 00:01:00
    Cancer Research UK's drug development office (DDO) has signed a Strategic Combinations Alliance with AstraZeneca to take combinations of experimental cancer drugs into early phase clinical trials.

  • HPV testing to be included in NHS cervical screening programme

    Updated: 2011-01-12 10:49:00
    The inclusion of human papillomavirus (HPV) testing in the current NHS Cervical Screening Programme from April 2011 has been confirmed in the programme's annual review, which was published on Friday (January 7th).

  • New cancer strategy focuses on earlier diagnosis and improved access to treatment

    Updated: 2011-01-12 10:16:00
    The coalition government has published its new cancer strategy, which aims to save 5,000 lives a year by facilitating earlier diagnosis and improving access to life-saving therapies.

  • Colorectal cancer screening disparities

    Updated: 2011-01-10 00:17:56
    Individuals from certain areas of the United States are more likely to get screened for colorectal cancer than those from other areas, especially when comparing non-whites living in different parts of the country. That is the conclusion of a newly released study published early online in Cancer, a peer-evaluated journal of the American Cancer Society. Additional research is needed to better understand how colorectal cancer screening disparities develop in some regions and not in others........

  • New Cancer Treatment Methods

    Updated: 2011-01-09 20:03:48
    The 5 year-survival rates for patients with leukemia has increased 400 percent over the last 50 years. This substantial increase is due to improvements in traditional treatment methods of chemotherapy, radiation and stem cell transplantation, as well as development in the newer fields of immunotherapy, and targeted drug therapy. In the early 1960s, one in [...]

  • Jan 7, My mother has been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-01-07 19:42:53
    How do I get my mother to change her mind about seeking a second opinion? She's basically giving up on life and refuses any kind of treatment. My mother

  • Jan 6, diet 2/3 days prior to a colonoscopy

    Updated: 2011-01-06 20:37:39
    can I eat coconut and steel cut oats

  • Jan 6, Rectal Examination

    Updated: 2011-01-06 20:37:15
    What is the position for a rectal exa

  • Jan 6, Colon polyps

    Updated: 2011-01-06 20:36:52
    In November I had a colonoscopy and they found and removed 3 polyps and they said the results should be back in 2 weeks. Well it's January and still no

  • Diet Plans News and Diet Reviews That's Fit

    Updated: 2011-01-06 20:25:52
    , AOL.com MAIL En EspaƱol That's Fit Main Diet Diet Diet Reviews Recipe Rehab with Tanya Zuckerbrot Too Good To Be Food with Keri Glassman Jonny's Take Best Life with Bob Greene SELF Meal Plans Fitness Fitness Workouts Fit or Fiction Fit After 40 Fit Family Fit Travel Men's Fitness Running Walking We Tried it Yoga Celebrity Celebrity Interviews Biggest Loser Success Motivation Success Motivation Success Stories Tipping the Scales America Takes It Off Experts Denise Austin Jonny Bowden Keri Glassman Mandy Ingber Liz Neporent Tanya Zuckerbrot Tweetmixx Send Feedback All Diets Frederick M . Brown , Getty Images Sara Slimmed Down With Jenny Craig Sara Rue embraced Jenny Craig and running to drop 50 pounds . Find out how the diet works . Read More Getty Images Is Weight Watchers For You

  • Faulty gene behind skin cancer also triggers spread

    Updated: 2011-01-06 00:01:00
    CANCER RESEARCH UK-funded scientists have discovered that skin cancer can spread to the lungs when a gene in an important cell communication pathway is blocked. The research is published in Cancer Cell.

  • NHS 'Quit Kits' to contain nicotine patch vouchers

    Updated: 2011-01-04 00:21:00
    Smokers are to be offered free nicotine patches to help them give up in the new year, the government has revealed.

  • What Can I Do to Lower My Overall Cholesterol Level AOL Health

    Updated: 2011-01-04 00:15:20
    Sign In Register AOL.com MAIL AOL Health Main Diseases Conditions ADHD Men's Sexual Health Allergies Obesity Alzheimer's Plastic Surgery Breast Cancer Skin Conditions Cancer Sleep Disorders Cold and Flu Smoking Cessation Diabetes Stroke Depression Stomach Pain Eye Care Women's Sexual Health Heart Disease See All Conditions Family Health Caregiver Support Senior's Health Children's Health Teen Health Men's Health Women's Health Healthy Living Anti Aging Healthy Eating Beauty Skincare Memory Better Body Better Living Relationships Dental Health Sleep Health Happiness Stress Diet Fitness America Takes it Off Experts Celebrity Fitness Diet Success Motivation Experts Tools BMI Calculator Symptom Checker Compare Medicare Plans Veggie Fruit Tracker Drug Interaction Checker Vitamin Mineral Guide

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